The Kutchin, Gwichin people are an Alaska Native people who live in the northwestern part of North America, mostly above the Arctic Circle.
Specifically, they reside in the villages of Arctic Village, Venetie, Fort Yukon, Chalkyitsik, Circle, and Birch Creek, as well as in a wide adjacent area of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Territory.
Out of the total population over 300 still speak their native language, Gwichin. Gwich'in has had a written literature since the 1870s, when Episcopalian missionaries began extensive work on the language.
A modern writing system was designed in the 1960s by Richard Mueller, and many books, including story collections and linguistic material, have been published by Katherine Peter, Jeff Leer, Lillian Garnett, Kathy Sikorski, and others. (Alaskan Native Language Center)
Kutchin men are well known for their crafting of snowshoes, birchbark canoes, and the two-way sled.