People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 61-83 of 83 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
NubianSudanIslam - SunniSudanese Arabic - (apd)4,300
NuerSouth SudanEthnic ReligionsNuer - (nus)27,500
PidginNigeriaChristianityNigerian Pidgin - (pcm)2,800
RundiRwandaChristianityRundi - (run)1,335
RwandanRwanda Kinyarwanda - (kin)11,000
SenegaleseSenegal French - (fra)6,335
Senegalese WolofSenegal Wolof - (wol)64,200
SeychelloisSeychelles Seselwa Creole French - (crs)1,035
ShillukSouth SudanEthnic ReligionsShilluk - (shk)14,900
ShonaZimbabwe Shona - (sna)2,100
Somali BantuSomaliaIslam - SunniMaay - (ymm)20,000
SoninkeMaliIslamSoninke - (snk)5,300
South AfricanSouth Africa English - (eng)87,500
SwaziSouth AfricaChristianity - Other / MarginalSwati - (ssw)550
TanzanianTanzania Sukuma - (suk)4,065
TogoleseTogo Ewe - (ewe)6,315
UdukSudanIslamUduk - (udu)375
UgandanUganda Ganda - (lug)12,535
West AfricanIslamEnglish - (eng)553,000
YorubaNigeria Yoruba - (yor)26,340
ZaghawaSudanIslamZaghawa - (zag)250
ZambianZambia English - (eng)8,325
ZimbabweanZimbabweChristianityEnglish - (eng)18,925

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