People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 31-42 of 42 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
EcuadoranEcuadorChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)364,115
NicaraguanNicaraguaChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)359,647
PeruvianPeruChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)413,014
GuatemalanGuatemalaChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)574,765
DominicanDominican RepublicChristianity - Other / MarginalSpanish - (spa)812,715
ColombianColombiaChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)1,014,580
SalvadoranEl Salvador Spanish - (spa)1,005,965
CubanCubaChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)2,018,710
Puerto RicanPuerto RicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)5,375,099
Mestizo, South AmericanUnited StatesChristianitySpanish - (spa)8,575,000
MexicanMexicoChristianity - Roman CatholicSpanish - (spa)11,726,672
American, Spanish SpeakingUnited StatesChristianitySpanish - (spa)18,716,000

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= No Longer Unreached

= Engaged yet Unreached

= Unengaged and Unreached

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