People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 1-30 of 64 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
Arab, Shia KuwaitiKuwaitIslamGulf Arabic - (afb)2,240
Berber, MoroccanMoroccoIslamMoroccan Arabic - (ary)55,320
Berber, KabyleAlgeriaIslamKabyle - (kab)1,995
Jew, South AfricanSouth AfricaEthnic Religions - JudaismEnglish - (eng)4,000
SenayaIranChristianitySenaya - (syn)450
Ethiopian, Tigray/Tigrinya EthiopiaChristianityTigrinya - (tir)6,125
Egyptian CoptEgyptChristianity - OrthodoxEgyptian Arabic - (arz)350,000
Arab, Jordanian (Christian)JordanChristianity - OrthodoxSouth Levantine Arabic - (ajp)111,121
Arab, Palestinian (Christian)IsraelChristianity - OrthodoxSouth Levantine Arabic - (ajp)72,645
Arab, Syrian (Christian)SyriaChristianity - OrthodoxNorth Levantine Arabic - (apc)225,249
Ethiopian, AmharaEthiopiaChristianity - OrthodoxAmharic - (amh)222,760
AssyrianIraqChristianity - Other / MarginalAssyrian Neo-Aramaic - (aii)238,220
MabaanSouth SudanChristianity - ProtestantMabaan - (mfz)3,100
Arab, Lebanese (Christian)LebanonChristianity - Roman CatholicNorth Levantine Arabic - (apc)625,185
MandaeanIranEthnic ReligionsMandaic - (mid)1,500
Ethiopian, OromoEthiopiaEthnic ReligionsWest Central Oromo - (gaz)37,745
Jew, SkverUkraineEthnic Religions - JudaismEastern Yiddish - (ydd)15,000
Jew, GerrerPolandEthnic Religions - JudaismEastern Yiddish - (ydd)5,000
Jew, BobovPolandEthnic Religions - JudaismEastern Yiddish - (ydd)50,000
Jew, ViznitzUkraineEthnic Religions - JudaismEastern Yiddish - (ydd)15,000
Jew, MoroccanMoroccoEthnic Religions - JudaismJudeo-Moroccan Arabic - (aju)0
Jew, SatmarRomaniaEthnic Religions - JudaismEastern Yiddish - (ydd)75,000
Jew, MashadiIranEthnic Religions - JudaismIranian Persian - (pes)10,000
Jew, BlackUnited StatesEthnic Religions - JudaismEnglish - (eng)51,000
Jew, YemeniYemenEthnic Religions - JudaismJudeo-Yemeni Arabic - (jye)50,000
Jew, BukharicUzbekistanEthnic Religions - JudaismBukharic - (bhh)72,000
Jew, IsraeliIsraelEthnic Religions - JudaismHebrew - (heb)244,942
Jew, RussianRussiaEthnic Religions - JudaismRussian - (rus)179,000
Jew, SpanishSpainEthnic Religions - JudaismLadino - (lad)310
Jew, SyrianSyriaEthnic Religions - JudaismNorth Levantine Arabic - (apc)62,500

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