People Group Profiles

(We are working weekly to add new People Groups and People Group Profiles to the following list. If you do not see one that you are looking for, we welcome your submitting a new people group and/or a people group profile. Or, if you have a suggestion or recommendation on a completed profile, we welcome your feedback.)

Displaying 1-30 of 685 results.
PG Name Country Of Birth Primary Religion Language Total Population
Abenaki, PenobscotUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsEnglish - (eng)5,000
AcadianCanadaChristianity - OrthodoxCajun French - (frc)186,900
AcehIndonesiaIslam - SunniAchinese - (ace)385
AcholiSouth SudanEthnic ReligionsAcoli - (ach)2,300
Achumawi, Pitt RiverUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)900
AdygheJordanIslam - SunniAdyghe - (ady)6,200
AfghanAfghanistanIslamSouthern Pashto - (pbt)290,815
Afghan, Hindu/SikhsAfghanistanOther Religions - SikhismPanjabi - (pan)6,000
African AmericansUnited StatesChristianity - ProtestantEnglish - (eng)38,920,000
AfrikanerSouth AfricaChristianity - ProtestantAfrikaans - (afr)67,185
Afro-SeminoleUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsAfro-Seminole Creole - (afs)500
AguacatecoGuatemalaChristianity - Roman CatholicAguacateco - (agu)1,300
Ahtena, Copper RiverUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)500
Akan, TwiGhanaEthnic ReligionsTwi - (twi)6,545
AlabamaUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)1,680
Albanian, GhegKosovoIslam - SunniGheg Albanian - (aln)87,154
Albanian, ToskAlbaniaIslam - SunniTosk Albanian - (als)126,270
AlgonquinsCanadaEthnic ReligionsAlgonquin - (alq)1,415
AlsatianFranceNon-ReligiousSwiss German - (gsw)5,500
AmericanUnited StatesChristianityEnglish - (eng)197,861,015
American, Spanish SpeakingUnited StatesChristianitySpanish - (spa)18,716,000
Anglo-CanadianCanadaNon-ReligiousEnglish - (eng)23,810,000
AngolanAngolaEthnic ReligionsPortuguese - (por)2,040
AntiguanAntigua and BarbudaChristianity - AnglicanAntigua and Barbuda Creole English - (aig)9,125
AntiguanAntigua and BarbudaChristianityAntigua and Barbuda Creole English - (aig)3,500
AnuakSouth SudanEthnic ReligionsAnuak - (anu)3,900
Apache, JicarillaUnited StatesChristianity - ProtestantJicarilla Apache - (apj)2,243
Apache, KiowaUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsKiowa Apache - (apk)12,000
Apache, LipanUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsLipan Apache - (apl)6,205
Apache, MescaleroUnited StatesEthnic ReligionsMescalero-Chiricahua Apache - (apm)3,400

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